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"The most persecuted people on Earth"


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If you wish to make payment by Direct Bank Transfer (BACS) please fill out the form below

Please send payment to the follow Lloyds Bank Account.

Account Name: Purpose of Life

Account number: 29617668 

Sort code: 30-90-57

Please include your name as a reference. (* required fields)

It takes only £150 to help families to provide & sustain themselves by giving them the necessary tools.

Please help to take people out of poverty permanently in Pakistan, with this exciting new initiative from POL!

Check out our video here


  • £3.05 Transaction fee is included in the cost of donation, if you wish to donate to this cause without the transaction fee please fill out the dropdown form above and send the donation via direct bank transfer.

    Cost of this donation without transaction fee is £150

  • Please note that any names containing Allah or Muhammad (SAW) will automatically be abbreviated to either A or M respectively as people bathe at the wells and animals walk over them. For example, Mohammad Sajad Hussain will be abbreviated to M. Sajad Hussain

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